Sunday, October 26, 2008

Mate of mine

Ate nothing but beetroot and sweetcorn fro a week in order to create purple poo with yellow polka dots.

My eldest son and his mum were staying at her Dads when he was about 1. Early one morning, she found him behind the sofa eating his own shit. She got it off him, and ran upstairs, woke her Dad up in a panic saying "Chris has just eaten poo". He asked if it was his own. When answered in the affirmative, said "oh thats all right then" and went back to sleep.

I went to see a design client in his home one time. The meeting took quite a long time, and eventually I was desperate for a crap. He was also in a major hurry to get to an important meeting. I went and let loose an absolute monster in his bog. It was evil, I tell you. Thing is, his bog already had been weed in by his kids, so I'd flushed it before using it, not wanting piss splashing on my arse. Other thing is it took about a month to fill up again. I was waiting for it, and he was outside the door in a total flap. He asked me to leave it there...pillock

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